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Women of Temple Israel Madrichim Application 5784, 2023-24

We're thrilled you are applying! We ask returning madrichim to apply as well! Applications will be reviewed as soon as possible and you will be notified via email on your acceptance by the end of the summer.
Email copy of COVID vaccinations card and w-9 to
Madrichim are expected to engage in another Jewish program of their choice: join one our courses 8th, 9th, and Confirmation with the clergy, take on a leadership position within our youth group, participate or work at a Jewish summer camp, go on a trip to Israel, sign up for a Jewish program for teens like Wexner Service Corp, etc. 
All absences must be communicated to senior madrichim leaders in advance. Contact information will be provided at the beginning of the year.
Fri, July 26 2024 20 Tammuz 5784